I Love You Because...


I love you because...

I was unsure of which path to follow,
Traveling with a broken compass,
Until you showed up as my North Star.
Now, I cannot wait to get lost...
To then find each other,
Again and again and again.

I love you because...

The bitterness of adulthood,
Was never to my taste,
I now feed on spoonfuls
Of unrefined sweet innocence.

I love you because...

After the day has departed,
You listen...gently...to my words,
My chirping becomes music,
Then...you hear my silence.

I love you because...

In your eyes,
I glimpse...
The humble swaying of a blade of grass,
The joyful blooming of chrysanthemums,
The effortless flutter of hummingbird wings,
The majesty of snow crowned mountains,
The faithfulness of the sun's daily salutations,
The playfulness of cumulus clouds,
The resplendent presence of the moon,
The shimmering of distant luminous spheres.

Before I can blink my own eyes,
I have become everything;
I have lost me,
I have become...you and me.

I love you because...

Yesterday's burdens have become far-flung shadows,
Replaced by glistening memories;
The landscape of tomorrow's uncertainties,
Is now painted over with beautiful dreams;
And today...
Today just feels like home.

I love you because...

...so many reasons.
But mostly,
I love you,
For absolutely no reason.